Ground Beef – 30 Ways in 30 Days
Ground beef is such a versitle cut of beef – and while we typically think of hamburgers, spaghetti, and maybe tacos there are SO many ways to enjoy this affordable cut! We’ve rounded up 30 ways to enjoy Yon Family Farms Angus Beef, originally shared on our Facebook and Instagram pages through the month of…
Wholesale Offerings
Yon Family Farms is excited to offer raw pecans and pecan candy for wholesale purchase to retailers across the nation. There are three ways to purchase. Want to learn more? We’d love to hear from you!
Introducing: The Farm Share Box!
Equivalent to an 1/8 share, The Farm Share Box allows you to fill your freezer with a variety of high-quality, locally raised beef from Yon Family Farms.
Store Updates: June 12, 2024
A quick update on what you can find in store this week! Our rotating Yon Family Farms Beef Special has been extended through June 15th – you can’t go wrong with steak, short ribs, and ground beef!